Our latest thoughts for lifelong learners within the digital space.

The Art of Curating News

The Art of Curating News: How to Become a Trusted Source in Your Industry! In an era where information is abundant yet often unreliable, effectively…
AI Robot talking on a podcast

Talking AI #1 – A Writer’s Perspective

A copywriter at Talent-e walks us through his role and provides his take on generative AI based on experience…
AI Robot talking on a podcast

Talking AI #2 – A Machine Learning Engineer’s Perspective

A machine learning engineer at Talent-e walks us through his role and provides his take on generative AI based on experience…
Linkedin App

LinkedIn for Consultants: What You Should Know

LinkedIn for Consultants: What You Should Know As a consultant, you’re always looking for ways to expand your professional network and grow your business. You’re…
What is Personal Branding

Personal Branding Guide: What, Why & How of Building Your Digital Community Answered!

You want to build your personal brand but don’t know how. This personal branding guide has a step-by-step breakdown for all your questions. Check now!…
11 Effective Personal Branding Strategies that Work: The Power of Authenticity

11 Effective Personal Branding Strategies That Work: The Power of Authenticity

You want to stand out and advance in your career in this competitive world. But it makes you wonder, what are the best personal branding…


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