3 Reasons Why Leaders Must Create Content on LinkedIn


Dear Leaders, You Need to Create Content on LinkedIn

Quick! what’s the biggest social media platform for professionals? That’s right, it’s LinkedIn. With more than 850 million users in more than 200 countries, it is safe to say that it has a global reach. We often use LinkedIn with professional intentions and career growth objectives. Yet, leaders need to do more on here. You need to take advantage of the golden age of content creation. Don’t just use LinkedIn for talent acquisition or company updates. You should consistently create content on LinkedIn. Why? We’ll give you three reasons:

1-  The Emergence of the Online Brand Community

Social media has given a voice to everyone. We’re all playing on the same stage and have the opportunity to shine. This reality allows business leaders to create communities for people with common interests and values. Leaders should understand the importance of these communities and build their own. How? Listen to your audience and what they need, ensure that you share the same values, experiment with products, create content and measure the engagement, and encourage others to take part and lead the way. After all, the community has to be managed by real people, not corporate entities with no recognizable face.

         2- Thought Leadership: A Valuable Lead Generator

We’ve established that we go on LinkedIn with professional intentions. People could spend their whole day on social media. But when they get on LinkedIn, they’re not looking to share pictures of their cat, or watch a 5-minute video on how to make the most delicious Italian Carbonara, they’re here for business. That’s what sets LinkedIn apart, it creates the right environment for your brand to connect with the right leads. One way of securing those leads is through establishing thought leadership. Create content on LinkedIn that your target audience cares and position yourself as a leader in your industry. That’s how you’ll nurture leads and build authority and trust. In a LinkedIn survey conducted by Edelman, 91% of business decision makers described brand thought leadership as ‘important” while 45% of them said thought leadership has led them directly to award business to a company.

          3- Talent Advocacy

At Talent-e we don’t like the word employee. It feels a bit reductive and restrictive. We prefer to view them through a more human and inclusive lens. They are skilled individuals, impactful contributors, and bright talents. We advise leaders to do the same. Advocate your talents, and they will advocate you, and share your content! A LinkedIn report on talent advocacy found that only 3% of talents share content about their company. Yet, those shares are responsible for a 30% increase in total company engagement. Companies with socially engaged talents are also 58% likelier to attract top talent and 20% likelier to retain them. There is a ton of research out there, but to give you three main benefits of talent advocacy: It positively impacts sales due to increased brand awareness and favorable perceptions, it improves talent recruitment, retention, and engagement, and helps in PR crises and other issues.

Active, Consistent, and Human

For leaders, there are definitely more reasons to be actively involved on LinkedIn, the keyword here being “actively”. It’s not just about having a page and posting updates every now and then. There needs to be a comprehensive strategy that aligns with business objectives and adopts a consistent yet flexible approach. It is also important to remember that a human voice is more powerful than a company voice. Your message is significantly more impactful when it’s communicated and spread by human beings, rather than carefully scripted through a typical, faceless, company account.


Ready to start your content creation journey?

We will be having a more in-depth look on how business leaders can leverage LinkedIn in the coming months. We will also be covering other related topics that might pique your interest, so make sure you follow us on LinkedIn for our latest blog posts and updates!

Youssef Moussallem

Youssef is the Head of Content at Talent-e. He's passionate about writing, communications, Generative AI, and anything that might pique his innate curiosity.

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