Talking AI #1 – A Writer’s Perspective

Talking AI is a collection of blogs and interviews where we discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) with our talents to gain some insight into their world and further understand how they work with AI. 

AI Robot talking on a podcast

This week we’re talking with Youssef, our Lead Copywriter, as he tells us more about himself and shares his experience with AI. 

Let’s start with the first question, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do? 

I’m a copywriter at Talent-e. I focus on content creation and media plans for our talents, write for Talent-e as a brand, and contribute to different facets of the product. I have a bachelor’s and master’s in translation and have worked in the private and humanitarian sectors. My experience revolves around different fields such as translation, editing, language teaching, marketing, communication, and writing. I’m mostly someone who is curious about the way things work and like to explore different fields hence my diversified experience. 

Youssef the Copywriter
Youssef is our Talent-e Lead Copywriter

What has your experience with AI been since you joined Talent-e? 

It has been enjoyable and educational! Like I said I’m innately curious, so to have a closer look at the capabilities of AI and what could be built is pretty satisfying. Generative AI is under serious spotlight right now and rightly so. A part of my role is to interact with it. Sometimes I get excited by its processing ability and how good it can be. Other times I am deeply frustrated with its limitations and erroneous output. It’s a rollercoaster ride, and I’m happy to be on it! 

AI depiction of a robot on a rollercoaster
AI depiction of a robot on a rollercoaster

What’s your role when working with Machine Learning Engineers? 

Apart from working with Generative AI, we have internal systems in place based on AI. The engineers build systems to help us streamline our processes and improve productivity. As a copywriter, I test the systems and suggest how we can improve them whether through optimization or by creating new features. This allows us to enhance our content creation process and produce better Media Plans for our talents. It’s an ongoing discussion where different perspectives meet to try to create the best product possible. 

What are your future expectations for AI? 

Now that AI is the talk of the town in every country in the world, the field will attract more investments. This will mean more competition among the big players and hopefully better AI for everyone. Will it completely replace copywriters? I don’t think so, not soon at least. But it will definitely affect this profession and many others. As a copywriter, I must focus on evolving with the technology and learn how to leverage it to produce better results.  

Youssef Moussallem

Youssef is the Head of Content at Talent-e. He's passionate about writing, communications, Generative AI, and anything that might pique his innate curiosity.

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